How it works

Skin rash, dryness and other troubles would go away by themselves. The real radiant and healthy skin is linked to our intestinal balance.

Intestinal imbalances, “dysbacteriosis”, may be the cause for unhealthy skin...

Lactofiltrum® SKIN PLUS helps to revive our skin, through the intestinal microbial balance, promoting skin health and natural beauty.

Lactofiltrum® SKIN PLUS components:

Lignin: A natural fiber found in plant cell walls, that helps to bind toxins and allergens and remove them from the intestinal tract.

The lignin used in Lactofiltrum® SKIN PLUS:

- is derived only from coniferous trees according to internal quality standards;

- is 2500 times more efficient than activated carbon * (* for sorption of E. coli demonstrated in-vitro);

- is not abrasive to the gut the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;

- can be recommended for long-term consumption.

Scientific research suggests that lignin may also have an immunotropic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral action.

  • Lactulose: an indigestible dietary fiber that helps to promote the growth of the beneficial microflora. Healthy Intestine is related to healthy immune system and healthy skin.

How Lactofiltrum works

Lactofiltrum®SKIN PLUS: healthy intestine – beautiful skin!

10 reasons to choose Lactofiltrum® SKIN PLUS:

  1. Lactofiltrum has the effect of two preparation in one (enterosorbent and prebiotic) Lignin for cleansing and detoxification, lactulose to restore microflora balance.
  2. Lactofiltrum is 2500 times more effective in absorbing harmful bacteria and toxins than activated carbon, as shown in experimental research.

  1. Lactofiltrum is not abrasive to the gut mucosa in contrast to activated carbon and other adsorbents, as shown in experimental research.
  2. Lactofiltrum doesn’t cause constipation, even after long-term use.

  1. Lactofiltrum may help to cope with dysbiosis, for an improved the overall health and stronger immune system.
  2. Lactofiltrum’s effect is confirmed by more than 80% of women.
  3. Lactofiltrum, is made of natural ingredients.
  4. Lactofiltrum is freely sold without prescription.
  5. Lactofiltrum is a perfect for detox-programs.
  6. Lactofiltrum, supports our skin from within.

How to take the product

  • Take it 1-1.5 hour before or after meal and medicines
  • Take 2-3 tablets, 3 times per day

Сourse admission

  • 21 days – to revive healthy and bright skin

The product can be used as part of complex therapy, stick to the rules of administration.

Contraindications: individual intolerance of the product components.

for product and general inquiries:
Если у Вас есть претензии к качеству продукции, либо Вы хотите сообщить о нежелательном явлении, индивидуальной непереносимости, отсутствии заявленной эффективности, случаях передачи инфекционного заболевания через лекарственный препарат, нежелательных реакциях, возникших вследствие злоупотребления препаратом или других случаях неблагоприятного воздействия в результате приёма лекарственных препаратов производства компании АО «АВВА РУС», Вы можете сообщить о них производителю:

for product and general inquiries:
Instructions for use and indications are country specific. check product patient information leaflet in your market. Do not exceed recommended dose.
If you are pregnant or nursing, under the age of 18, or have a known a medical condition, you should consult your physician before using this or any dietary supplement.
Dietary supplements should not be used as substitute for a varied diet.